ISTE In Depth: Four 3D Sessions!

The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) will hold its annual conference and exhibition from June 23-27 in San Diego, CA.  Four must-see presentations will showcase cutting-edge research and best practices for 3D in Education. This is a great chance to get an introduction to 3D, learn about current case studies and network with other 3D educators!


When 3D Comes to Your School
Saturday, 6/23/2012, 12:30pm–3:30pm
Presenter: Len Scrogan, University of Colorado-Denver
Learn everything you need to know about creating a stereo 3D classroom or pilot project in your school or district. (3 Hour Workshop)
3D in Education
Tuesday, 6/26/2012, 5:00pm–6:15pm
Nancye Blair, McKeel Elementary Academy with Len Scrogan
Attend this birds-of-a-feather collaborative conversation to network and learn with educators and leaders interested in teaching with stereoscopic 3D. It is an open discussion focusing on emerging resources and best practices for using 3D technologies to increase student engagement and learning gains.
Exploring 3D Technology in the Classroom: Strategies and Lessons Learned
Tuesday, 6/26/2012, 1:00pm–3:00pm
Carole Hruskocy, Regis University with Sandra Foster
How does 3D technology in a science classroom affect learning and teaching? Explore this emerging technology and find out the results from a three-year BVS3D research study. (Poster Session)
Teaching in 3D: Why It Works, Why It Matters
Tuesday, 6/26/2012, 10:00am–12:00pm
Presenter: Len Scrogan, University of Colorado-Denver

Discover how stereo 3D visualization technology is being used effectively in K-12 classrooms, how it affects student thinking and performance, and why it matters. (Poster Session)

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